Your questions - our answers

To help you get the right answers to your questions quickly and easily, we have already compiled the most important answers for you.

No. All Lower Saxony Tariff tickets and Deutsche Bahn tickets are valid on the start trains (with a few exceptions). For journeys within the transport associations HVV, VBN, GVH or the NRW tariff, the respective association tariff that is recognized on our trains applies.

Yes, the Lower Saxony ticket is valid on our trains. Please note that the ticket is only valid from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m.

- Children under the age of 6 travel for free. - Up to three children between the ages of 6 and 14 can also travel free of charge, regardless of the number of paying people. It doesn't matter whether they are your own or someone else's children. - If more than three children between the ages of 6 and 14 travel with you, three children are free of charge and the other children must be considered as paying passengers and their names must be entered on the ticket.

Tickets for the start trains can be bought from our ticket machines at each station. But you can also buy it at other competitor machines. You can also buy tickets in one of our many sales outlets, as well as online on our website. - Tickets cannot be purchased on the train.

Tickets cannot be purchased on the train. Please buy a valid ticket before you start your journey. At the train stations you will find ticket machines and some sales outlets where you can buy tickets. Alternatively, you can also buy tickets via our homepage or via the DB Navigator apps or the FahrPlaner.

The ticket machine is not working and there is no other machine where you can get your ticket? Then please note the machine number, machine location and time of the disruption and contact our passenger attendants on the train without being asked. Our passenger attendant can offer you an emergency sale on the train or you will receive proof of the malfunction of the machine. We are checking the technical defect you reported. If the machine was demonstrably faulty, you will only receive a payment request for the normal price. If the machine is not defective, you will receive a payment request for an increased transport fee.

In addition to the usual hand luggage, each traveler may carry another suitcase, cardboard box, drinks crate, etc. with them. The items are to be placed primarily in the designated place and must not impede, endanger or impair fellow passengers.

No, no alcoholic beverages may be consumed or opened on the start trains. There is an absolute ban on alcohol consumption. Anyone who does not comply must pay a contractual penalty of €40.

Yes, with the full discount range of 25%, 50% and 100%.

No, you usually have to buy a bicycle ticket. However, some transport associations have extended regulations. Please inform yourself here in your respective transport association.

- If you have received a fare penalty, you must transfer the amount within the specified payment period. Contradiction can be addressed to the specified office. - If you have forgotten your subscription or season ticket, our passenger attendants will also issue a fare levy. However, you can show your ticket later and the increased fare will be reduced to a small fee.

Yes, if you have a valid ID including a valid token.

Please contact us via our contact form, by e-mail or by telephone.

Everything we find on the train, we collect in our place of discovery. If you have lost something, please contact us by email or phone.

- Pets that are small (the size of a house cat), harmless and kept in closed containers (animal transport box) are accepted free of charge. - Dogs that are larger and cannot be accommodated in a carrier must be leashed and muzzled. A half-price ticket must be purchased here. When traveling with you on the Lower Saxony ticket or the Quer-throughs-Land ticket, your dog is considered an adult. - Guide dogs are transported free of charge.

Yes, guide dogs can be taken without a muzzle and free of charge, provided the mark “B” or “BI” is entered in the severely handicapped pass.

The trains we use are provided to us by LNVG. This also includes the equipment of the vehicles. The WLAN has already been installed in the trains of the Weserbahn/Lammetalbahn, here you have the opportunity to surf the Internet for free. However, the Heidekreuz will not be equipped with it until end-2022.